Step-by-Step How to Store Data in Pivot Table in Laravel?

Pivot tables allow you to store many-to-many relationships between two tables in a clean and organized way.

5 min readMar 10, 2023
How to Store Data in Pivot Table in Laravel?
How to Store Data in Pivot Table in Laravel?

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If you are working with Laravel, you may have come across situations where you need to store data in a pivot table. Pivot tables allow you to store many-to-many relationships between two tables in a clean and organized way. Let’s explore the steps required to store data in a pivot table in Laravel.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a free, open-source web application framework written in PHP. It was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and is now one of the most popular PHP frameworks available. Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides many features out of the box, including routing, middleware, authentication, database migrations, and more.

Laravel also has a large and active community of developers, which means there are many packages and resources available to help developers build applications quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Laravel has a simple and elegant syntax, making it easy for developers to learn and use.

What is a Pivot Table?

Before we dive into the details of storing data in a pivot table, it is essential to understand what a pivot table is. A pivot table is a database table that is used to store the many-to-many relationships between two tables. For example, if you have a table of users and a table of roles, where a user can have many roles, and a role can be assigned to many users, you can use a pivot table to store this relationship.

How to Store Data in Pivot Table in Laravel?

Step 1: Define the Relationship

The first step in storing data in a pivot table is to define the relationship between the two tables in Laravel. In Laravel, you can define this relationship using the belongsToMany() method. For example, suppose you have a users table and a roles table. In that case, you can define the many-to-many relationship between them as follows:

class User extends Model
public function roles()
return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class);
class Role extends Model
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

Step 2: Create the Pivot Table

The next step is to create the pivot table that will store the relationship between the two tables. In Laravel, you can create this table using the Schema::create() method in a migration. For example, to create a pivot table for the users and roles tables, you can create a migration as follows:

php artisan make:migration create_role_user_table

This command will create a new migration file in the database/migrations directory. In this file, you can define the schema for the pivot table as follows:

Schema::create('role_user', function (Blueprint $table) {

Step 3: Save the Relationship

Once you have defined the relationship and created the pivot table, you can save the relationship between the two tables using the attach() method. For example, suppose you want to assign a role to a user with an ID of 1. In that case, you can save the relationship as follows:

$user = User::find(1);
$role = Role::find(1);

This code will save the relationship between the user and the role in the pivot table.

Step 4: Update the Relationship

You can also update the relationship between the two tables using the sync() method. This method will remove any existing relationships in the pivot table and add the new ones. For example, suppose you want to update the roles assigned to a user with an ID of 1. In that case, you can update the relationship as follows:

$user = User::find(1);
$roles = [2, 3, 4];

This code will remove any existing relationships between the user and the roles and add the new ones.

Step 5: Remove the Relationship

If you want to remove a relationship between two tables, you can use the detach() method. For example, suppose you want to remove the role with an ID of 2 from the user with an ID of 1. In that case, you can remove the relationship as follows:

$user = User::find(1);
$role = Role::find(2);

This code will remove the relationship between the user and the role from the pivot table.

Step 6: Retrieve the Relationship

To retrieve the relationships between two tables, you can use the with() method. For example, if you want to retrieve all the roles assigned to a user with an ID of 1, you can retrieve the relationship as follows:

$user = User::with('roles')->find(1);

This code will retrieve all the roles assigned to the user with an ID of 1.

Final Conclusion

Overall, we have explored the steps required to store data in a pivot table in Laravel. We have learned what a pivot table is, how to define the relationship between two tables, how to create a pivot table, and how to save, update, remove, and retrieve the relationship between two tables using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM. By following these steps, you can efficiently manage many-to-many relationships between two tables in your Laravel application.

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What is a pivot table in Laravel?

A pivot table is a database table that is used to store the many-to-many relationships between two tables in a clean and organized way in Laravel.

How do you define a many-to-many relationship in Laravel?

In Laravel, you can define a many-to-many relationship using the belongsToMany() method.

How do you create a pivot table in Laravel?

In Laravel, you can create a pivot table using the Schema::create() method in a migration.

How do you save the relationship between two tables in Laravel?

In Laravel, you can save the relationship between two tables using the attach() method.

How do you retrieve the relationship between two tables in Laravel?

In Laravel, you can retrieve the relationship between two tables using the with() method.

What is the advantage of using a pivot table in Laravel?

Using a pivot table in Laravel allows you to manage many-to-many relationships between two tables in a more organized and efficient way. It also provides you with flexibility in handling complex data structures.

Can I add extra columns to a pivot table?

Yes, you can add extra columns to a pivot table if you need to store additional data for the relationship between two tables.



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